Report a breakdown
Tell us about your problem and track your rescue
Get the most out of your membership
Yes – just register for your account today. It's the handy way to manage your membership:
You can change your car details online. Plus you can update personal details like your name, add in a new address and change your phone number on your account.
Or chat to us using the speech bubble icon to update your existing Direct Debit. If you have an unpaid balance, you’ll need to call to make these changes.
We'll write to you in plenty of good time before your renewal. But, if you'd like to talk to someone about renewing or changing your cover now, just call us:
Lines are open 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday; 9am to 3pm, Saturday.
You can also call this number if you want to add cover or you want to make additional changes.
When you renew, you can choose to set up a direct debit or a continuous payment by credit or debit card. This will save you time in the future, as we'll renew your cover automatically at the end of the year. Your Membership number will stay the same.
If you prefer, you can renew with a one-off credit or debit card payment – we accept Visa and MasterCard.
Or, you can pay for your cover monthly directly from your bank account instead.
Chat to us using the speech bubble icon to update your existing Direct Debit. If you have an unpaid balance, you’ll need to call to make these changes.
We give you the choice to automatically renew your insurance or breakdown policy, so you'll never be left without cover.
You can use our form to let us know if you'd prefer to opt out of automatic renewal.
Have a general query about your cover which you can't manage online?
Fill out our online form with your question and we'll reply to you by email.
Got a question about your vehicle – such as what a warning light means, or how to maintain your car?
No problem. Call our vehicle helpline – we'll talk you through everything.
Lines are open 7am to 6.30pm, Monday to Friday, and 9am to 6pm, Saturday and Sunday.
If you need to make a complaint, here's how to get in touch:
Email our breakdown team: [email protected]
Our Disability Helpline provides information about helping you drive in the UK and overseas. You can register your needs, which will help us tailor our breakdown services to you.
For instance, if you're a wheelchair user with Roadside Assistance plus National Recovery, you might need our Onward Mobility Network of accessible vehicles. You'll be able to travel in comfort and safety if we're taking your vehicle home.
If you need information is large print, audio or Braille, just ask - you can email our customer services team at [email protected] or call our free helpline on 0800 26 20 50.
If you've broken down, you can text us on
You can also use the Next Generation Texting Service (NGTS – formerly known as Text Relay) by prefixing any of our numbers with 18001.
You can enjoy instant access to deals and discounts, including:
And, when you renew your breakdown cover, you’ll unlock a range of additional, exclusive benefits.
Normally if you've broken down, you just quote your membership number so we can get help out to you. But if you don’t have your AA membership card to hand, your name and address, plus an alternative form of ID (to show the attending patrol) will do.
If your membership card is lost or has been stolen, call us immediatly for a replacement on
If you're an existing Car Genie customer, head to our Car Genie page for help, info and advice. You'll also find FAQs and the phone number for our expert Car Genie team.
We no longer sell Basic Breakdown Cover.
If you already hold Basic Breakdown Cover with us, your policy is unaffected and you can find your terms and conditions below:
Basic Breakdown Cover terms and conditions – August 2017
Call 24/7:
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We're open 8am to 7pm, Monday to Friday; 9am to 5pm, Saturday.